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Traffic Tips for New Bloggers

Are you new to blogging? One of the things you should really focus on is getting readers for your blog. Otherwise, you are just writing for yourself. You will have to make an actual effort in order to get readers. Of course, you should spread the news to your family and friends first and hope that they are able to stop and read your blog every now and then. However, you want to expand your readership to others as well. There are a few different ways for you to do this.

One of the best ways to get readers for your blog is to do guest blogging. When you do a guest blog post it means that you get permission from another blogger to write a post about a topic of their choosing. They may allow you to pick a topic related to their blog, or you may be able to choose a topic that they feel would benefit their readers. The topic you write about may or not be related to the topic of your blog. Guest blogging benefits the blog owner because it provides new, unique content for their blog. Blogs always need fresh content so you are really doing blog owners a favor when you provide a well-written guest blog post.
In exchange for writing a guest blog post you are allowed to put a link to your blog. Some blog owners allow a link in the actual blog post, and some say that the link back should go in the author’s bio. An author’s bio is a few sentences that usually go after your guest blog post. It is used to tell new readers a little about yourself. Guest blogs are great ways to expose your blog to new audiences as well as getting valuable backlinks, which can help with increasing page rank.
Another method of getting traffic to your blog is to go into forums and provide value. The forums should be about the topic of your blog. Providing value doesn’t mean that you go in and spam everyone and tell them about how great your blog is. You have to actually participate and be welcomed in as a member of the forum. You can do this by participating regularly and after a while, it will be okay for you to add a link to your blog. If members of the forum feel that you are genuinely interested in helping others and not just promoting the blog, you will be allowed to continue participating. However, if you are seen as a spammer you might be banned from future participation.
Yet another way to get traffic involves search engine optimisation. Search engine optimisation is phrase that refers to making sure that your blog is doing everything possible to get traffic from search engines. Most bloggers don’t start off knowing how to do this. If you are not familiar with SEO you can hire an seo agency and you will see positive results right away. This can save you the time of trying to learn all of the newest SEO techniques on your own, which can be a time consuming task.
These are some basic methods that many bloggers use to increase their readership when they are first starting off. Everyone has to start somewhere and it will take some time before you have people who read your blog regularly. However, if you are willing to put in the hard work that is necessary to increase your readership, you can be successful as a blogger.

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  1. jerin January 18, 2012

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