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How to increase and get more Twitter Followers – increasing a blog’s traffic

Social networking has dramtically increased in the last few years. Twitter and Facebook have become one of the best methods to increase traffic to a website or blog and a good way of promoting just about anything.
Get more followers on Twitter

However, you can’t do this if you don’t have any followers. Twitter is so important in increasing a blog’s traffic, if you have the followers. Here’s some important tips you can do to dramtically increase the amount of twitter followers you have.

Twitter in some aspects is the same as a business: you have to identify your target market. Once you have done that, search for them people on Twitter and follow them. Twitter bases itself on socializing, so socialize with others like you and they will do the same! You won’t believe the amount of people that follow you because you followed them! Try to follow around 20 people in your category a day, and in return, you should get the same back.

Make you Twitter profile look appealing! If you only have your name, no info or picture or anything, why should they follow you if they know nothing about you? Try to update your Twitter profile as much as possible.

Advertise your twitter profile EVERYWHERE. Link it to your Facebook account, website, blog, anything in which you could get more followers. And once people start following you, thank them. People get a satisfying feeling when they do something positive to someone else. By thanking them will make them more inclined to carry on following you.

If you can’t be bothered by any above, there’s the cheap option: twiends. This doesn’t get you good followers, but it does get you followers. More info on this just click here.



  1. maddy May 16, 2011

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